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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Structure of the text

Articles are accepted in German and English and should be organized as follows:

  • Title of the contribution

  • Name of the author(s)

  • Abstract: 100 to 200 words, if possible in English and German

  • Key words: 3-6

  • Text: see the notes below for text format

  • Acknowledgments (optional)

  • References: see the notes below for citations and source references

  • Appendix: (optional)

  • Author information: brief biographical information; discipline of study; research interest; contact address (incl. email); if existent: URL ;

Citations and Source References

Since meta-carto-semiotics is an interdisciplinary journal, no specific style of citations and references is required. Provided that the given reference information enables readers to find the quoted source, contributors may follow the practice of their particular discipline. Accepted papers will be reformatted in APA style by meta-carto-semiotics. Authors are responsible for ensuring that the information in each reference is complete and accurate. However, please indicate translated quotations, electronic sources and the date of the last access of cited online-sources.


If possible, please submit contributions as "OpenDocument Text" format (.odt), Microsoft Word's formats (.doc or .docx) or as RTF document . Since the editors will adapt submitted texts to the journal's layout, apart from following the aforementioned text structure, no further guidelines need to be considered in regard of the text layout.

Figures should not be embedded in the text file, but rather accompany the typescript separately with their corresponding numbers and names. Just include the figures' captions within the main text of the paper. If possible submit figures either in .png, .jpg or .gif format.

If you want to provide audio- or video files together with your contribution, please inform us in advance about format and filesize of these materials.


By submitting contributions to meta-carto-semiotics, you acknowledge that meta-carto-semiotics claims no ownership of that work, and that you are free to republish the work elsewhere, subject to the following:

  • you grant anybody using meta-carto-semiotics the right to read, download, print and/or distribute your work under the terms of this Creative Commons License, which protects your rights as the author(s). meta-carto-semiotics will display a link to this license whenever your work is displayed.

  • you provide the appropriate quotation, that the article first appeared in meta-carto-semiotics, whenever the contribution is republished


Besides technical and editorial review by the editorial team, and in line with the journal's open access policy, we intend to establish an open peer review process for all published articles. Since no uniform standards on open peer reviewing exist at the moment, meta-carto-semiotics models itself on the UK online journal Philica. Concretely, researchers who are interested to review an article of meta-carto-semiotics can send their comments to the journal's editors. Anonymous reviews will be displayed online together with the regarding article. In order to establish a constructive discussion, also the articles' authors are invited to comment on given notes on their works.